Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workshops
We work with organizations to provide DEI workshops and training. Each semester, we also host our own professional DEI panel or member panel to share diverse backgrounds in the consulting industry and within our club.
New analysts are required to attend ATP (Analyst Training Program) to develop their skills before working on client projects. ATP includes case practices and training for Badger Consulting's project work. Project Managers receive client and project training.

Members can choose to become a mentee or mentor - and receive the guidance they need starting out in their career.
Leadership Opportunities
Want to grow? After one year as an Analyst, you can apply to become a Project Manager. You can also apply to be on the Executive Board.

Career Trek
Beginning in Spring 2024, Badger Consulting offers members the opportunity to visit consulting firms during its semesterly career trek. Past firms visited include, Bain, Deloitte, Accenture, Spaulding Ridge, Efficio, and more!